Monday, August 25, 2008

Join the New Child Actor's Guild!

Tired of living in the sewers? Tired of getting shoddy bit parts on tired old sitcoms? Tired of killing for money? Then the New Child Actor's Guild is for you! Jon Provost (aka Timmy from Lassie) has joined, shouldn't you? Check out the latest from Break a Leg!

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Wednesday, August 20, 2008

How to Prep a Potty Training Kid for a Night Out

Should parents become shut-ins when the children are potty training? Probably. But if you insist on having a life outside the home, then you should prepare carefully before venturing out with your potty training toddler. Accidents happen. And they are completely gross.

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How to use a Russian Doll to Teach Potty Training

In this hilarious Daditude episode, Arden teaches Owen a thing or two about going potty with the help of a honey bear and Russian nesting dolls. It's the debut of a new art form: Potty Puppetry. How cute is Arden? So cute that it's even funny when she talks potty.

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War Games (Episode 14)

Arriving at the old Swambler set ghost town, Chase and David get split up by roving child actors. This isn't the worst of David's problems, however, as he not only bumps into someone he'd rather forget but also someone who's starting a revolution.

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008

CAG Attack!

This is recently found footage documenting what appears to be an attack on two unsuspecting citizens by the Child Actor's Guild (CAG). Viewers be warned this footage is considered to be both shocking and derogatory.

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Monday, August 4, 2008

Break a Leg - Ghosts, Mimes and Partridges (Episode 13)

While Francesca and Claudio take some unusual steps to fund the "Haunted Hotel," David, Chase and Larry have a run-in with a certain Partridge who is dangerously close to the Child Actor's Guild. Check out the latest episode from the hit sitcom Break a Leg!

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Can You Take Your Daughter into the Men's Room?

The Lounge - In this episode, we ask our panel of expert and experienced parents the following question: "Is it okay for moms to take boys into women's restrooms, and dads to take daughters in the men's?" We discuss the public potty problem. Visit for more!

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